Shepherd of the Valley is a Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS) Congregation. Click below to be directed to the LCMS page to view our beliefs, doctrine, and frequently asked questions.
The Small Catechism:
What is Baptism? Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God's command and combined with God's Word.
Which is that Word of God? Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Matthew: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)
What benefits does Baptism give? It works forgiveness of sins, rescues from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, as the words and promises of God declare.
Which are these words and promises of God? Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:16)
The Augsburg Confession (1530)
"It is taught among us that Baptism is necessary and that grace is offered through it. Children, too, should be baptized, for in baptism they are committed to God and become acceptable to Him."
The Lord's Supper is celebrated in this congregation according to Christ's own institution. We confess, and are confident, that our Lord gives into our mouths, not only bread and wine, but His very own body and blood, for the forgiveness of sins, for the strengthening our faith in Him and our love for one another.
Our Lord invites to His Table those who trust in Him as their Savior, believe His words, repent of their sins, and set aside any refusal to forgive and to love as He forgives and loves us. Those who partake also believe that communion is a confession of the Christian faith that we hold together as Evangelical Lutherans.
Those who are not yet catechized or instructed, or who hold to a confession of faith that differs from us and our synod, are asked to speak with our Pastor, so that you too may be instructed, and then commune.
May - June 1998
Congregational members within Circuit #3 of the North Wisconsin District
(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod) conducted an evangelistic survey of the Osceola, Wisconsin area. September 1988 - The Circuit Forum (Circuit #3) decided to begin regular Sunday worship services and Sunday school. Circuit pastors were asked to take turns leading the services and Bible studies. October 16, 1988 - The first Sunday worship service was held on this day. The
"Osceola Mission" met in the basement community room of Paulson's Apartment in Osceola.
July 1989
The "Osceola Mission" moves to a new location: The United Methodist Church on River Street in Osceola. Worship and Bible class were now held on Saturday evenings with 5 households making up the Mission.
February 9, 1991
Rev. Mark K. Schoen was appointed by the Circuit #3 Mission Committee to serve as part-time Mission Pastor.
May 11, 1991
The name: "Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church" was selected by Mission members.
October 12, 1991
Thirty-two new members were welcomed into Shepherd of the Valley as it celebrated its third anniversary.
December 1991
Harold and Carol Johnson of St. Croix Falls offered a gift of approximately five acres of land, near the Dalles House Motel, for a future building site.
March 1, 1992
The Constitution of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church was accepted at the congregational meeting.
September 13, 1992
Shepherd of the Valley moved to a new location for Sunday worship and Sunday school: The Knights of Columbus building on South Street in Osceola.
September 21, 1992
The first organizational meeting of Shepherd of the Valley Ladies Guild.
February 16, 1993
The North Wisconsin District Board of Directors accepted the Constitution of Shepherd of the Valley and began to govern itself according to the new constitution.
June 20, 1992
President Arleigh Lutz of the North Wisconsin District preached at a special service. Mr. Jeffery Huenink, President of Shepherd of the Valley, signed the Constitution of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, making Shepherd of the Valley an "official" member congregation of the Synod and the 224th congregation of the District.
July 13, 1993
Rev. Mark K. Schoen was called to be the first full time Pastor of Shepherd of the Valley.
October 17, 1993
Shepherd of the Valley celebrated its fifth anniversary. Rev. Mark K. Schoen was installed as Pastor at a worship service held at Zion Lutheran Church in Turtle Lake Wisconsin.
April 23, 1995
A Groundbreaking Day worship service was held at 9:00 a.m. with a Groundbreaking Ceremony held at 2:00 p.m., at the building site. 119 were in attendance.
LCMS - History
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The Lord had a change of plans for Shepherd of the Valley.
January 1997
Lampert's Real Estate, Inc. made a lease and purchase agreement with Shepherd of the Valley for the Simonson Lumber property in St. Croix Falls.
January - March 1997
The Simonson Lumber Retail store was remodeled for a "new" church facility.
March 30, 1997
The first worship services (6:30 and 9:00 a.m.) were held on Easter Sunday at the newly remodeled facility in St. Croix Falls. 179 were present for both services.
August - October
Shepherd of the Valley Church facility underwent some more remodeling with a new entryway, bell tower, windows and siding.
2000 - 2001
Continued remodeling has been done to include Pastor's office, a fellowship area and Sunday school room.
SOTV Historical Resources
History book of SOTV from 1991 - 2016
Published by:
SOTV Member and Author Fred A. Brede